Join the army of ordinary intercessors by giving just 15 minutes of your week to praying for church planting and revival in Wales.

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Cant i Gymru is a collective of Gospel friends from around Wales and the world, believing God for a fresh wave of missional church planting in Cymru over the next 10 years.
The march to 100
begins with you
Join the army of ordinary intercessors by giving just 15 minutes of your week to praying for church planting and revival in Wales.
Wales is known globally as a land of revival. Across the generations the Spirit of God has moved powerfully to renew the church and restore the land through the gospel. We long for such days again. But underneath these moves of God we find one common feature, one sacred activity preparing the way; prayer.
This is why we are passionate about raising up an army of ordinary intercessors to ignite 100 hours a day of prayer for church planting and revival in Wales.
We want to ignite 100 hours a day of prayer for church planting and revival in Wales
Will you join us?
To see 100 churches planted in the next 10 years in Wales, we need people willing to give their lives to plant them.
We need churches to be inspired with renewed faith and urgency for Gospel advance and missional impact outside of their local context.
And we need people, young and old, to believe that God can use them to make a difference and that pouring out our lives for God’s glory through his church is well worth it.
Whether you live in Wales, or on the other side of the world, we would love you to play your part.
Book a speaker
If you would like us to come and speak to your church, youth group, CU or other Christian groups about church planting in Wales we would love to!
Feeling Inspired?
Church leader
We would love to connect and dream together. Lets meet for a coffee and have a chat!
Church planting is a demanding task. If we want to see churches planted that flourish and produce lasting fruit, it is vital that church planters and their teams are prepared for the task, and that means having access to the training that they need.
The Cant i Gymru initiative is supported by several training partners to help church planters get the spiritual formation, theological foundation and practical skills that they need to thrive.
We've also built a digital 'Church Planter Development Tool' to help aspiring church planters get prepared for the task ahead.
Finance for training
We are also developing a network of supporters to help finance church planters get the training that they need. If you are an aspiring church planter and finance is stopping you stepping forward, or is slowing you down, we would love to see how we can help.
On our blog, Rhys shares his story of how the Cant i Gymru initiative has supported him financially as he trains and plants Godfirst Church Barry.
Wales needs Jesus. There are countless communities in our land without a Gospel witness. There are innumerable people existing without any exposure to Christ. The harvest is plentiful. The workers are few.
The ultimate goal of all the prayer, inspiring and equipping is that church planters are sent out into the harvest fields of Wales.
We want to partner with local churches to raise up and send out an army of church planters to re-evangelise this nation that we love.
We already have some stories to share:
100 Churches, 10 years.
What would it take?
We know that the task of church planting can be a long, hard, slog. Cant i Gymru exists to help church planters feel supported, upheld and never alone. We want to be a collective of brothers and sisters who pray for one another, cheer one another on and are at the end of the phone when things go wrong or it’s just hard!
Leaders days & Retreats
Our plan is to create an annual program of events for church planters and church leaders where they can develop friendships, experience rest and renewal and get spiritual input that can so often get squeezed out when we’re fighting in the trenches. We’ll be hosting a church planting couples retreat every year – expect an all expenses paid time away in a setting you love. Join our next Leader’s Day or Retreat.
Coaching & Mentoring
Church Planters and their teams need plenty of encouragement, help and support, especially in the early days before the church and its leadership structure have stabilised. We have experienced practitioners here in Wales and around the world that can help you find your way. If that would help, get in touch.
Finance for Church plants
Church plants need finance. Many church planters don’t know where to start. We’ve been developing relationships with patrons across Wales, UK and the world who want to support our vision to see 100 churches planted in the next 10 years.
If you need help financing your church plant, get in touch with us here.
Spiritual & Emotional health
Healthy leaders produce healthy churches. We know first hand the emotional , spiritual and even physical toll that church planting can take in post-Christian Wales. We want to help however we can.
We’re developing partnerships to care for the spiritual and emotional health of planters and pastors in this land. If you are a planter or pastor struggling with burnout, mental health, spiritual fatigue or habitual sin, we want to help before it’s too late. Be bold and reach out here.
Friendship & Fun
Friendship and Fun: Let's do this together, You're not on your own! Let's build a community that cheers one another on to see God transforming our nation through His church, and let's have some fun along the way!