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Front Cover of the Reviving Prayer Book

Reviving Prayer £8.99

Read a little bit of church history and one thing soon becomes clear … when God is about to move in the land, he raises up prayer in the church. So the question for those of us who hunger after a new move of God in our day is not ‘how might we strategise or organise or theorise’, but how might we become a people of prayer? That question is the heartbeat of this book.

Discover how the Psalms of Asaph and the Sons of Korah equip us with language to express our longing for God to move in power in our day.

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Front Cover of the Revive Us Again Book

Revive Us Again £8.99

What might it take to see our land renewed by the gospel in our generation?

In these pages Owen reminds us that the concept of revival doesn’t originate in Wales, but comes straight from the pages of scripture. Mingling his own personal story with scriptural insight and some surprising and often untold stories from the history of our land, we are invited to think about what it means to pursue God for a turning of the tide in this nation in the days ahead.

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